samedi 1 décembre 2007

Un iPhone 3G pour l'année prochaine

le site spécialisé rapporte aujourd'hui que Apple prépare un iPhone Next Gen pour 2008

"Now Apple seems to be determined to give the public what they want, for once, and is looking to release a 3G iPhone late next year.

AT&T Inc. Chief Executive Officer Randall Stephenson has confirmed early reports, breaking the news that a 3G iPhone at a meeting of the Churchill Club in Santa Clara, California. He stated firmly that the phone will be released next year, when prompted for the time frame."

"The benefits of 3G are blatantly obvious. One of the device's biggest draws is its implementation of a full feature web-browser, and its ability to remotely connect to popular music service iTunes and download the newest songs. However, both of these activities are highly dependent on network speed, and more speed certainly points to a better overall user experience."

Les grandes nouveautés de la 3G sont un navigateur internet Safari completement refait et la possibilité de se connecter au service iTunes et pouvoir télécharger des chansons directement de l'iTunes Store.

"The key obstacle Apple must overcome in releasing the 3G phone in 2008 is battery life. Apple might be getting some more knocks from Greenpeace, as the 3G chip is a power-hungry little beast, which Jobs has described as a "real power hog", at a news conference in London. Steve Jobs had even gone as far in September to say that battery life would be too steep an obstacle to the adoption of a faster network. Now Apple seems to have reversed course and committed to beating this challenge."

Le seul probleme qui se pose pour Apple est l'autonomie, en effet la puce 3G montrerait un appétit électrique très important, qui réduirait de manière inconvenante l’autonomie de l'iPhone.

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